Sometimes the enemy uses circumstances in our life to keep us “stuck” in a certain emotion/mindset/thought.

Abandonment, rejection, unforgiveness, bitterness, anger, fear; even sickness, infirmity, and grief can all be associated with oppressive spirits, intent on  keeping one from “putting the hand to the plow and moving forward” into all God has for us. 

The devil wants us to think we are oppressed, depressed, down-trodden, helpless, hopeless, sick/infirm, sad and weary, tired of this world; any number of lies…but Jesus said:  satan IS THE FATHER OF LIES AND THERE IS NO TRUTH IN HIM. 

What LIE is the devil trying to make YOU believe?

Modern-day ‘psychology’ likes to focus on “back, back, back…” even using hypnosis (witchcraft) to “bring one back to childhood” to “see” “WHAT happened to you as a child,….” Yet, throughout Gods Word, God’s intent for us is to “keep moving forward”; hand to the plow, ready to till that Soil and plant His seeds, bearing Good Fruit for Harvest time, all the while surrendering to God, submitting to Jesus AS LORD of our life, committed to Him, and willing to DO as Holy Spirit instructs; always  trusting in Jesus, always allowing Holy Spirit to lead.

In John 16:33, Jesus is clear that we WILL have trials and tribulations, “BUT TAKE COURAGE!  FOR I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD!” and WE, as followers of Jesus are OVER-COMERS THROUGH HIM.  PTL!  Ps 55:22 tells us to cast our burdens on Him, and He WILL sustain us!   Why do we carry heavy burdens when Jesus tells us not to?

Nehemiah 8;10 tells us THE JOY OF THE LORD IS OUR STRENGTH.  Jesus is The Strength in our lives to get us through every trial, and strengthens us with JOY in the storms, IN HIM! 

He comforts us. Matt 5:4, Isaiah 61:1-3, Luke 6:21. yes, we weep!  But He turns our tears INTO JOY!  Yes, this world is not perfect!  But we know HEAVEN IS, and as we keep our focus on Jesus, the things of this world become less and less important; and the things of Heaven more and more REAL.  Sit quietly daily with Him. Hear what He is saying to you individually..

My Child!  I love you with an everlasting Love!  I long for you to reach out to Me, with blessed assurance that I HOLD YOU today and forever!  I will NEVER leave you!  I will NEVER forsake you!   RELEASE those things TO ME that are holding you back from ALL I HAVE FOR YOU.  WALK in the Authority I give YOU through My Spirit LIVING INSIDE OF YOU.  Release to the hurting and lost ones around you My Truth, My Love, My Power through My Spirit within you!  CRUSH the strategies of the devil using the Truths of My Blood MY CROSS and RESURRECTION; My Word, My Spirit! 

Let THE ONLY POWER OVER YOU be the Power of My Spirit, My Love, My Truths!!  Allow My Love to penetrate your body, soul, and spirit, and BE BAPTIZED WITH THE BAPTISM OF MY LOVE FOR NOTHING IS ABLE TO COME AGAINST MY LOVE.   LOVE AS I LOVE.  DO AS I DO.  FOR I DO ALL TO GLORIFY MY FATHER IN HEAVEN. 

Psalm 121

John 15:9, 17

1 John 2:15; 4:7-21

If satan can keep our focus ON US, and on the things of THIS world; and our eyes off Jesus and what HE HAS for us to DO FOR HIM, he will have accomplished his dirty work effectively, and we will never accomplish WHAT GOD HAS SENT US TO DO.  Instead of hearing, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.”  we will hear, “Why did you listen to satans lies instead of My Truths?  I had SO MUCH I wanted YOU to DO for ME!”

So the next time satan attempts to tell you that you are afraid, rejected, abandoned, inferior, sad/depressed, sick or infirm, poor and weary, tired of this world….


Then, ask Jesus:

“What can I do for YOU today, Lord? Let Your Spirit lead me!”