Jesus Christ, Our Passover
note: While this should be under the “Words from Jesus” category, I was afraid it might get lost in the many entries of 2019:
I think it’s important to know how Jesus feels about this, so I am putting it in a couple places.
The Breaking of the bread, and the pouring of the vine for Mine to share in remembrance of Me is not only a reminder of Who I AM and what I HAVE ACCOMPLISHED in the world and in Heaven, but it is also a movement in which My Heart is revealed inside My People’s hearts, that our Hearts may be so entwined with each other that healing, deliverance, and power of Me remain steady and even “protruding” forth, with much Glory to Me and My Father!
The sacredness of what I have done must supersede all else—with a continual reflection of each man’s heart, which desire is to be
ONE WITH MY HEART, SO THAT THE COMPLETENESS OF WHAT I HAVE ACCOMPLISHED be continually steadfast in body, soul, and spirit.
This continual renewal of the heart is necessary, lest Mine and man’s enemy run amuck in the deep recesses of man’s heart, where only I can see.
To understand and reflect is to be holy unto God; and this reflection is individually portrayed inside man’s heart.
For man’s heart to be completely and totally Mine, it must be forever and always inclined to the work that I have accomplished.
The more you partake of My Remembrance the more your heart will be totally MINE.
Through this act of remembrance, done in the spirit and by My Spirit, many hearts are changed; many are healed, many are set free of strongholds.
My disciples took part in this Remembrance of Me every time they assembled together; when they broke bread together. Upon the breaking of the bread and the pouring out of the vine-juice, the Remembrance kept Me and WHAT I HAVE ACCOMPLISHED secure in their flesh, soul, and spirit-man.
“So, Jesus, you are telling me that EVERY TIME the disciples broke bread together, (shared a meal), they brought forth Remembrance of Your Work on the Cross; they partook of bread and wine, what we now call “Communion”, celebrating your saving work?
A memorial of Christ’s Work that was FINISHED, was done every sabbath, when they gathered as One to Worship Him.
(“common” meals were eaten at home; “worship” meals were eaten together; with Remembrance of what Yeshua had done.)
Matthew 26:2 John 13:2-5 Acts 2:42, 11:27-30, 20:7 1 Corinthians 5:7-8, 11:23-30