Words from Jesus, 2013

2013 (1-16)

Revelation = OVERCOMES – “WRITE DOWN” (?) not sure what this means…)

Ephesus -persevered and endured hardship

Smyrna -afflictions, poverty, persecution

Pergamum -Remain True

Thyatira-Jezebel=wrong teaching; I SEARCH HEARTS

Sardis-‘deeds’ dead; (not from heart)

Philadelphia-have not denied My Name; endure patiently

Laodicea-Be earnest and repent (lukewarm)


The time has come. Everything will come to pass that has been written. The son of perdition is being glorified by those who eyes and ears and hearts are closed by satan. Pray that they be opened. You must bear fruit for the time is short. The people are under a spell. Pray against occult activities. (things not coming through clearly–distractions at home—instructed to read Hebrews and then go in the car (out of the house) with notebook…”distraction” kept me from doing this…and I never did it. 🙁 repent…move on….


The inauguration was celebrated with rituals of honor to darkness. The secret ceremony was attended by those who prepared it and had awaited it for centuries (?) It has released ungodly powers that were held for such a time as this. They lie in wait to devour and destroy. They will even destroy the one who brought them forth with ritual darkness. His pride and greed have overtaken him and his pit has been dug by himself. He is a pawn in the game darkness plays. His power will come to a sudden and destructive end, but not before many suffer and many die because of it. “Is there nothing good you can tell me? 🙁 “I RETURN SOON.” 🙂 Thank You Jesus!

The enemy has so blinded eyes; even the eyes of my own, which do not see what is right in front of them. They are complacent and accepting of all worldly devices and tactics used to pull them away from ME. Under the guise of “peace”, they accept and confirm to all the activities of the evil one, but he who is spiritual will judge all things with the judgement and discernment of My Holy Spirit within them. They will preach the truth because of LOVE. They LOVE with MY LOVE which will sometimes be viewed as HATE by those who do not understand. (?) Acceptance of sin is not LOVE, it is HATE. LOVE is TRUTH; the truth that sets one free from bondage of sin, through salvation in ME. Many will perish forever due to acceptance of sin by those who should be leading all to righteousness and holiness in ME. Believers must pray for discernment in all things.

They have taken MY GRACE upon MY CROSS and turned it into acceptance of SIN. 🙁 Pray for believers, that they listen intently and see with knowing eyes and not with earthly vision. Pray protection from enemy for pastors, teachers, ministers, evangelists, prophets, and indeed MY CHURCH… Pray for unbelievers to be open to ME that I might fill them with ME. Pray that you will pass the test…. (sigh…help me Jesus)

I see a world blackened with devastation; the sky purple-red with FIRE. The earth is cracked with huge caverns and molten lava flows up and destroys much of the earth. There is a deadly silence that pervades and awaits the return of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. This devastation only affects the fleshly beings–those who are heavenly it does not stop. That is why I return, TO STOP THEM.

Acts 2 church=true ‘CHURCH’…

Rituals, feast days, religion are used to stifle the truth of ME. My true church must allow ME (Holy Ghost) to lead them. To be led by fleshly ordinances is to not be led by ME. Pastors, leaders, teachers, must allow ME to lead them in order to be effective and allow MY CHURCH to grow. My church is MY ARMY. It must BE READY soon. (?) I make it ready if they so allow it. (?) Some will never allow my Holy Ghost to lead; these are not true apostles of MINE, but they are apostles of the world and the flesh. They are not true to ME, but they seek affirmation of the world instead. They are not truly Mine, although some who dwell therein ARE MINE. These will not be lost, but they will be ineffective in battle. (?)


Early am…God woke me up and told me “get notebook and write”…

As Gog and MaGog (Russia and Iran?) advance, tanks are increased. US has made weaponry available to the enemy of my people. They will suffer greatly because of this. While many who dwell here remain true to ME, they refuse to speak up and fight for Me and My Side (good). They are often afraid to speak My Name; they hide like little scared rabbits in their holes. This is because they are focusing on flesh and not on spirit. If they focus on ME, the Holy Ghost in them, this fear and trepidation will vanish, for I will BE their fight, I will BE their Power. I shall make My Manifest Presence apparent to them, but they must relent and release the world’s captivities from their souls, minds, and bodies. The fastest way to accomplish this is by FASTING–NO, not from food or sustenance for most–but rather from worldly desires that they spend devoted time on. Diverting their world time devotion to ME time devotion. One hour a day is minimal–and it is required of My People. Re “fast”–I want people to fast from the pleasures of the world–computers, cellphones, TV, video games, etc., and to develop a kinship of Holy Ghost-led prayer together.

As Russia advances, China also readies herself for the battle. “The eight” (?) are banning together and will unite forces soon to attempt the fourth annihilation (?) A leader (referred to previously–I see this off and on quite often) is killed in fiery explosion (big black car; limo-like). This assassination comes from evil and is used for evil. It is the signal “to begin”… (?) As the troops are situated upon the hills, the tanks steadily roll–they are prideful, for they do not know MY POWER.

The “MARK OF THE BEAST” will be initiated by US. You must warn all those you know, those who do not understand it, for many are uncaring and unbelieving, that is is the time of times. (instructed to send info re this to WAKE UP PEOPLE blog…hmmmm…gotta look that up.) Catholics must be warned re church leader’s acceptance for Catholic Church people re implant…for he (church head) will declare outright that it is NOT satan’s mark. Pray for discernment for this church’s people, for many will be led astray who do not have Holy Ghost discernment, even bishops, cardinals, priests, nuns, etc. who rely on ME (HOLY GHOST) for TRUTH, but rather on men in funny hats. (?)

re noises in first heaven; yes, snare of fowler; noisesome pestilence. Chemtrails. (I had asked God to reveal answer to this, and He did…)

I keep seeing is a huge fireball in the sky–not unlike a nuclear bomb, but perhaps more ROUND–like a giant BALL–and it explodes up in the sky, right behind a huge group of children playing outside, like a recess playground or something, but only A LOT of children…hundreds. I am horrified anew each time and pray earnestly against this happening every time I see it…it make me cry… (Another enemy attempt to focus blame of evil on God… ) Those who are Mine realize who is responsible and why these things are happening…

It is now as it was in Babel. Men’s knowledge has increased to the point of believing themselves to be gods. They want to control the air, the land, the sea, and even the weather. They are futile in their attempts, for I AM GOD. 🙂 JUST AS I DID BEFORE, I WILL CONFUSE AND CONFOUND THEM AND THEIR SATANIC KNOWLEDGE WILL BE THWARTED. They will lose their minds. (wow) Power has gone to their heads and they are their own destruction.

About Israel: They have formed a trench in which to entrap the enemy. My angels are guarding this trench as we speak. I will subdue the enemies. Mya kerststa myatoma (have no idea what this is; spelled phonetically…repeated 3 times) obama= “he is a son of satan”. He will convene in Israel with “targeted” leaders–those targeted by the prince of the air to be used by him–many adore him and his dark power for they are under his spell–some knowingly; some unknowingly. Me: “so what is going to happen in Israel?” They will convene in the “upper room” . They use a holy place for evil purposes. There is one who will be present who is MINE. When he realizes what is happening, he will attempt to stop it (what?). During this attempt, he will be killed. They will make it seem like a “natural” death–re; heart attack, stroke, etc. They are simply ridding opposition. Me: “Can you not protect him?–he is Yours..” It is in the plan; he is part of the purpose…what has been written must come to pass. Me: “Was this written about ?” YES. “Where?” No answer….note to self–read Revelation again, although I do not recall anything like this in it…maybe in a book not in bible, like Enoch or something…?????? No one will realize or understand that his death is murder, for it is done behind closed doors and all attending are willing participants. The “holy” is transformed into the “unholy”. The sacrifices are human (babies). Women are impregnated for this same purpose. (me HORRIFIED) “FATHER, CAN YOU NOT STOP IT, PLEASE?????” I SHALL IN MY TIME. “I am sick to my stomach, Jesus, please, will you take away their fleshly pain? PLEASE LORD..” YES. Oh, thank you, Lord!

My two witnesses are almost ready, for I am making them IMMOVABLE. They must be so in order to do what they are called to do. They know and realize who they are in ME. The ‘whirlwind’ of the Lord empowers them. (?) The same Glory that took Ezekiel where I wanted him to go, that is what I refer to, for not many can stand in the Power of My Glory as such, but these I give strength to do so…(wow)


3-13-13…3-13-13…3-13-13…Son of perdition, liar of liars INSTALLED. (here, I am a little confused for awhile until I get an explanation a couple months later….112th Pope Francis was installed this day, in a private ceremony, before his public installation)

March – Things at home really bad…God knows this. He showed me a garden; “God’s Garden”–There’s a sign outside of it that says that. I believe He did this to “cheer me up”, Praise the Lord! It’s surprisingly small…and for a few weeks, He gave me “glimpses” of this garden off and on; pictures of what it looks like, the trees, the plants, the shiny gold fencing on which God wants NOTHING to climb or grow upon; the flowers, bushes, etc., adding a little bit at a time; telling me what types of trees and flowers, etc. The coolest thing is the FOUNTAIN in the middle of the garden. The water is “glittery” –it is thick, like syrup, so when it comes out of the fountain, it shimmers slowly; it does not fall like water at all–and its all different colors when it hits the bottom of the pool…there is NOTHING like it here on earth…and I knew somehow this was a garden God wanted me to make for Him, only I could not figure out if it would be here on earth, or in Heaven…I’m a little worried about the “gold” fence, because He indicated that it is REAL GOLD…and then I decide that if God wants me to make Him a garden with a REAL GOLD fence, He’s gonna give me the funds to do it! 🙂 So, I decided to ask Him one night. “Abba Father–This garden where I am going to be working for You–is it here on earth,or up in Heaven?” His answer surprised me. “BOTH” 🙂 Funny thing about God and “His Garden”–it is so small only four people are allowed in it at one time…I thought this was so strange, I decided to probe a little…“But Jesus, only four at a time? Lots of people are going to want to come in Your garden…” “Yes, but I want to spend time alone with each one privately…Me to them, and them to Me…so it is better this way.” (there is a small bench in each corner section; only four places to sit in the entire garden, and each totally obscured from the other–private–and gold, of course!)


Enemy tanks are approaching US. Fire and destruction. Brimstone (?) and shaking earth. Water Polluted, food sources polluted. There is no defense system strong enough to defend except for ME. Evil will try to hide, but I see their hiding places. They cannot hide from ME. Get ready. Get prepared. The destruction will begin in the West and works it’s way Eastward. (who?) CHINA. My people must pray for and seek more Holy Ghost Power and more Holy Ghost protection.


The ‘man from the land of peace’ will steal the hearts and minds of many, and his wealth will be reason for many followers. (Here, God had told me to “check the White House Agenda on 3-12-13..There was a man visiting President Obama–The Monarch of Brunel-the Land of Peace-5th richest man in the world–and I am wondering if this is the man God refers to…) I am a little confused and now have information about 3 anti’s…and not understanding this whole thing. “But God, you told me 3-13-13 “the son of perdition installed..and the Pope was installed (voted for) that day…is not the “son of perdition” “liar of liars” the anti-christ???? Answer: They are all sons of perdition; they are all liars of THE liar…they all have one conquest: to seek, to destroy, to KILL. In MY EYES, they are all the same. EVIL from EVIL to EVIL. “But they know they will lose, Father, and You will win…” “They do not seek TRUTH, but untruth. They do not seek LIFE or DEATH, the parts of their hearts that gives LIFE is DEAD. They have no mercy, no compassion, no judgement, but heinous death and destruction. 🙁 PRAY. FAST. PRAY against the EVIL. Pray for the LOST. Pray that eyes and ears be opened. “God, HAARP and CHEMTRAILS? GMO’S–MONSANTO??? (please explain…) End-time plan whose root began long ago. I protect Mine. Sickness, disease, death=from evil one. Will change many things inside body and body chemistry; many foreign substances that body cannot tolerate, especially My Little Ones. “You mean babies, kids?” YES. Cancer is NOT from Me, but from him who seeks only destruction, heartache, and death. “But, Father, why my brother–why was he not protected? He is Yours…” The diet. The mold….they were used as ‘destroyers’… ‘death’ is never MY will; and Eternal Life is. (?) Until such time when I release My Son to remove death FOREVER, death (fleshly) will occur, for evil has a hold of evil, and some do not live out the the length of their days; some do not finish their race but are cut off… “I don’t understand…Jesus “holds the keys” to death and hades…He overcame death upon His Cross…” YES. Those who come to Him will never experience TRUE DEATH, they will enter My Abode and not the place of darkness and torment. “But You protect us from the enemy’s strategies…” “Yes, Mine need only to ask and believe…”

Important! There are 3 anti-christs endtimes; 3 blasphemers…satan’s attempt at 3-in-1. It must be so.

1-Dragon (Obama?) who ushers in ‘beast of sea’ (Pope #2?) and #3 ‘beast of the earth’ -false peacemaker…(Monarch/Brunel?)

#1 satan gives power to #2 and #3..uses them…3 anti-christs…trying to be ‘god’–unholy trinity attempting to copy the holy three-in-one Trinity… 🙁

Revelation 19; 2 and 3 cast into Lake of Fire by King of Kings. Satan-dragon-bound for 1000 years…

Note: 2-26-2013 OUT OF DATE SEQUENCE. Found a different notebook than the one I normally use; not sure why but perhaps was out of town or something and forgot one I usually use; and then forgot about adding it…I am trying really hard and God knows this–He knows me way better than I do and He is very patient with me, more than I would ever be… ( note to those I was sharing with: I must stay more focused on HIM than what is going on in my life right now, as I know the power of distraction to stop me is enemy’s strategy…please pray for me to stay focused on Jesus and the things He wants me to do…Thank you.)

The “warships are ready (in the heavens ?). My people are not paying attention; they are too involved in worldly affairs to notice the spiritual. They must become knowledgeable by allowing My Holy Spirit to lead them. They must remove all distractions for ONE HOUR A DAY, and I will speak directly to them. It is a total surrender to ME for a short time each day. They should listen quietly for my instruction and leading. When they listen, they will hear Me. I will speak to the children also. They will be used by Me most profoundly, so pay attention to what they say. New things will be revealed that have not yet been revealed. They will be known by those who follow ME in such a way as to know it is from ME and not from enemy trying to mislead. (I am getting same revelations will be revealed to many believers so they cannot be disputed or pushed aside) Mine need to look past the flesh and peer into the spirit in order for this to become evident to them. (only for ME: I will lead you where I want you; there is no need to search anymore. Follow my direction explicitly and do not listen to human voices, for they know not what I know. ) Ok, so this is HUGE for me, because when God leads me on these trips to MI, something spiritual always happens–something unexpected totally by Holy Ghost….and last time I had to go back, because I did not follow directives first time I was there…:() Encourage all believers to spend one hour listening to Me each day. Unhindered, quietly listening. (phone rang–“This is what I mean about “distractions”. One hour = NO DISTRACTIONS. (Yikes) Anything else, Father? YES. PREPARE FOR BATTLE: strong in Spirit, strong in Faith, Strong in Trust, strong in ME. (Jesus) For many believe they will escape the wrath of satan; and they will not. They will be here. I will protect them, but they will be agonized over what is occurring around them. 🙁

3-16 Hearken to my voice, my little one, and I shall tell you untold things. The unholy allegiance has taken place and all is in line….(?)

China will suffer her 3rd and final earthquake with devastation as such has never been seen before. Many will perish and those who are left alive will suffer tremendous pain.

The prince of Berein remain a prince.(?)

My people must come to ME with TRUE repentance–with intent to TURN AWAY FROM THEIR SINS INSTEAD OF MAKING EXCUSES FOR THEM.

CP is targeted. You must pray PROTECTION over him continually. The evil forces realize the Holy Ghost power he is instilling in Mine, and they will try to stop him–I will prevail. I always do. 🙂 (But God–YOU can protect him!” “And I shall, but you must pray.)

I am calling my special ones (who?) I am separating them for my purpose; for my USE. I am calling them out–away from the ordinary, away from what is normalcy to them. They will be grouped together according to their abilities and tasks. Their suffering will be much and evident, but My Holy Spirit upon them will make it as if it is nothing…

Brunei, Italy, Russian, Iran, Iraq, Syria, US, Britain, Allegiance of Mexico, Egypt… (I am not getting why God had me write these down…no other message; just these names.)

The “mark of the beast” has been implemented. (?). It is a “done deal”. What do you mean, Father? All the rules/laws regarding it have been put in place and found “acceptable” to all those who matter…

Me: Tell me what is going to happen to the US… “It will be annihilated.” Fire-fire rains down in burning destruction. The earth rumbles, shakes, and opens–the areas are divided and there is no way to cross over this division.

What must I do? BEAR FRUIT. Read Revelation. Do the same as I told you to do with Daniel. (here, God had told me to read Daniel 13…and when I went to my Bible, I realized there are only 12 chapters in Daniel…then, God told me to “net search” Daniel 13. I did, and I found it…13 and 14; in the early version of the KJV. So, I am searching for more to the book of Revelation than is written…and have not found anything yet. The Jesuits are an evil group, put in place by the evil of all evils. He has led them all the way thus far, and will continue to lead them right to hell. 🙁

All is in place–this is the grievousness deep in you; it has begun, and there is no stopping of it. What began from the beginning will soon come to it’s tumultuous and well-deserved end. (here, I am realizing God is speaking of the END OF EVIL and His wrath)

4-29 President Obama is a judgment I have sent upon a nation who has become freely ungodly, unrighteous, and corrupt to the point that I shudder when I perceive the wickedness that has taken precedence over the holy leading of My Word. (yikes)

Even some who claim to BE MINE (they are NOT) are accepting of irrefutable sin and lasciviousness. The blood of My Little Ones whom I have sent for a purpose that has been left unfulfilled cries out to Me UNCEASINGLY. The evil darkness pervades this universe and only ONE can stop it. (Jesus Christ) He returns soon for His Own. China, Russia, Europe, and some of those who are called “allies” are truly enemies. Enemies will overtake her. (US) Enemies led by EVIL and not by good, for while there are many who CLAIM TO “BE GOOD’, very few really are. (?) Do you speak of people, churches, what??? I speak of ALL. Infidels are accompanying all of these groups to instill wickedness and perversion to the undiscerning. I have spoken. They know the TRUTH. Yet, they follow man and NOT ME; lust and not godliness; fear and not trust; lack (of knowledge) and not provision (of Word). Their sores of their souls will begin to manifest upon their flesh. There is no cure; there is no relief. (?)

Eyes are focused on areas that should not be of concern (war) and away from those who are ready to attack. It is lack of godly knowledge and wisdom for there is none among those of influence over (this) country. Watch out for evil in airports, the schools; the “industries”–these continue to be targets as evil pervades and overtakes them. The mark of the beast will be mandatory soon. Indications must be made relevant to this to my people who are unknowing. (?) But if they read Your Word, do they not know? NOT ALL WHO ARE MINE READ MY WORD. (wow…) They lack true knowledge and wisdom; many will be led astray by the one they call “HOLY FATHER”. I AM THE ONLY HOLY FATHER. (whoa…this made me shudder, being Catholic most of my life. Indeed, Catholics refer to the Pope as “The Holy Father”. Oh God, save my family…I know there are many Catholics who are saved, but the religion, the doctrine, the format, the rules…the works mentality…keep them from having true relationship and being led by Holy Ghost. And, I know most Catholics do not READ/Study the BIBLE…it’s more about “Holy Communion” than truth of the gospel…:( ) A few days later, I approached a saved-born-again friend of mine and asked her what her thoughts were about the “mark of the beast”. I was shocked at her reply: Well, if you are still alive, you still have time to “be saved”. So, I guess if someone takes the mark, they have until they die to come to Jesus. I read scripture to her regarding this to make sure she understood the truth. To take the mark is to swear allegiance to satan, I told her. When I read the part about not being able to buy or sell, she replied, “well, how are we going to live, to survive, to go to work, to buy groceries?” I just told her we’d have to trust God in all that, if we are here. Not sure about this whole rapture thing–before, middle, end. Still praying for clarification on this from Holy Ghost…and many scriptures indicates to me we will be here for part of it, at least.

They will welcome the demons with open arms because they lack spiritual discernment and are easily misled by the liar of liars. Oh, Father….my family….save them! Mankind does not realize what hell is. It is torment. Bleeding torment. (?) God, why do you tell me this…is there no good to tell me? YOU ARE MINE. But what about my loved ones, Father… I hear your prayers always.

Out of the “north sea” comes destruction. Out of the “south sea” comes EVIL. (?) There is no escape; they cannot hide. (?) Warning to all: DO NOT TAKE THE MARK; it will control, it will destroy, it will annihilate. Many law-abiding citizens will feel it is their “duty” to receive. They are ignorant of evil intent. It has ability to control, manipulate, to kill and be killed. (?) My people must be ready; they must be strong in Me, for persecution for all Mine is eminent. It has begun and it will escalate. Be forewarned.

Pray, pray, pray, at least one hour daily for my people–my workers; ministers, teachers, evangelists, missionaries, MY CHURCH, my WHOLE CHURCH.

5-15 I send you out as a witness to proclaim My Truth. I do not send you alone. (?) I know of no one who would be with me; and wonder if He is talking about Jesus…Holy Ghost…) The spirit of witchcraft and occult is strong over area. (place I want to live) overcome it by My Spirit and cause all to come to Me through your testimony of My Truth. I sent you there for a purpose, and that purpose has not been fulfilled. (this I know; God told me to do something when I was there and I did not do it; will not make excuses, I just did not do it…:( ) Those who work for satan are attempting to stop you. I am with you. I protect you and guide you. You must return and accomplish that for which I sent you. I am with you always. Ephesians 6:10. (returned, and did what God instructed me to do the first time I was there…and I know I will return there if that is where he wants me).

6-12 “The Kingdom of God is at Hand” reveals the oppressor no longer has power to oppress such as are in it. For Our Father does NOT oppress; He LOVES. Our Father does NOT condemn; He LEADS. Our Father does NOT hate; HE LOVES. Those who suffer oppression of any kind must realize this oppression is NOT from ME. I do not oppress: I LOVE. I judge all this with LOVE. There is only one thing I abhor, and that is EVIL. EVIL is not from Me; evil is sin and I do not allow it in My Kingdom. (?) Are You speaking of Heaven-that evil is not allowed there? I will not allow evil in My Kingdom. Those who “work for Me” yet possess evil in their hearts are not truly Mine; they belong to satan. The “church” is being divided by ME. My TRUE CHURCH is holy, righteous, and led by My Spirit and not by evil hearts and evil desires of this world; they abhor this world’s evil. They judge with a balance of “good” or “evil”; there is no “gray”; there is no “neutral”. They see things as I do; they have the Mind of Christ. True holiness and righteousness is only through the leading of My Holy Spirit; the leading of the mind is from man.

Continue to pray against evil. What has been prophesied must come to pass; yes, these things and even more that has not been yet revealed. Mind must not fear, for fear results in mistrust of Me and allows satan to sway the heart. There is no fear through ME lest the fear of Judgement of evil hearts.

I return soon (I am recalling this is what Jesus said when He ascended into Heaven over 2000 years ago!) My church must be ready for what is to come; for what has been written. Pray for pastors, teachers, evangelists, missionaries, and those to remain in Me and Me ALONE.

“Father, Pastor Saheed…I’ve been praying so long for his release…” THE CHURCH must pray “in unison” for many who are being persecuted and tortured. My People do not pray in unison as they should. 2 Chronicles 7:14

China and Russia begin to join forces. They come at My People with a vengeance. My armies are ready. There is no one who can conquer but Me. If I am in you, you shall conquer through ME. If I am not in you, you stand alone against the enemy. (that’s a scary thought) My Chuch must realize the enemy’s tactic to draw near to self and away from ME. No man in his strength shall conquer the forces of evil; not by any means available in this world or the next. (?) Soon, man will realize, as these forces will manifest in the physical. Spiritual forces yet unseen will be seen by many. They are only conquered through ME. Those who do not have ME will be swept away by them. (?)

To conquer evil is to conquer first man’s own heart; to allow MY HEART to become his…

United States must turn to me “instantly” (?) Saudi Arabia. (?) They are ready. The treasoner has committed treason for he is not one of them; he is of the enemy and sent by the enemy to be used for evil intent and purposes. While the mind and the eyes are elsewhere, he will manifest in unnatural and evil power with nothing but death and destruction in his heart and being.

Father–I keep seeing that big black car–someone “important” a dignitary or something like that in it, blown up. YES. Also, the kids…the “ball of fire” upon the children…it’s horrible, makes me cry..YES. Can you not stop the kids from being hurt? Why do I keep seeing these over and over? WHAT HAS BEEN WRITTEN MUST COME TO PASS. The children are MINE. They will come to ME. The evil man in the black car is satan’s. He receives his just reward for his wickedness against My People. (whoa…)

Pray for the lost, bear fruit, for the time is very short. Speak the Truth of Me with the boldness and courage of My Spirit enables in you. Do not be dismayed at what is occurring, for it is according to My Plan. I am in control; I am POWER. I AM STRENGTH. I AM GLORY. I AM GOD OF ALL FOREVER.

🙂 I love you Abba Father! Glory to you, God, 4ever!

Instructed to read Revelation 4 times and list scriptures of “hope” in it…still searching for “missing” parts of the Book of Revelation…


My Church is targeted relentlessly. The persecution, which began long ago, escalates with even the children being persecuted. The monies and places of worship are targeted and many will flee to secret places in order to safely worship. China advances upon this country with warplanes, tanks, and “tiny weapons”. (?) They are weapons “of mass destruction”. The U.S. forces have no strength against the enemy, for this was the plan, to render it unsecure and open for attack. Indeed, the enemy has been invited. The only safety is in ME. (always!) The son of perdition will persuade many and those who are not discerning will see it as “help” for them. (?) It is evil only. The self-reliant church will fall, for they do not rely on ME. They will fall under the evil spell that purports that not everything needs a CREATOR. Those things, beings, animals, insects, etc., that are NOT created by ME are not OF ME. They are created for evil intent. They will possess peace, but this peace is false and DEADLY. The one they call “Holy Father”, the false and evil one, will embrace and welcome these as if they belong. They DO NOT. Remember when I told you the second Heaven will be visible? It is such that I speak about. They will be visible to the human eye and their noise will be heard. The EVIL will welcome EVIL. 🙁 My people MUST be ready for BATTLE. Spiritual things have been neglected; indeed even denied at times. It is ploy of the enemy, who wishes all to be ignorant of his schemes and satanic devices. He blocks their minds, eyes, and ears. This is why I allowed you to hear them. (I was awakened one night by demons in my room, brought in my home by one who went to places of perversion, and brought them home with him. To be awakened from a sound sleep by literally hundreds of demons screeching, hissing cursing, cackling, jolted me into HOW real demons are…it took for rebukes in Jesus’ Name for all of them to finally flee, which indicated to me that some are stronger than others.) Do not be afraid of them, for they have NO POWER over you. You defeat them through ME. Grow stronger and stronger in ME and remember that I am ALWAYS WITH YOU. (TU, JM!)

There have been many pawns, and the decision has been made and these things which have been written and even more must come to pass. Yes, the one whose natural affection has been afflicted, who is not what he seems to be–draws (satanic) power and magnifies himself. His pride is his destruction, just as the destruction of his father. (?) There is a pervasiveness, a pacicivity among My people that is very dangerous. They must rise up and FIGHT for ME and the things of ME and not be resigned to accept evil and it’s influences. To all who ASK, I give the WORDS, to all who ASK, I give the PROTECTION. To all who ASK, I give LIFE ETERNAL.

Evil and satanic rituals take place in Whitehouse on regular basis-this is increasing to almost daily affection/adoration of evil. There are many who take part in the rituals and some who do not. Those who are opposed, they are FEW, must realize they have the Power of ME to combat this evil. (christians) They must recognize this, and seek My advice, and so I shall give it. Who is man without ME? For there is NOTHING I CANNOT DO. There is one named “Adam” who will be of particular use to ME and he will be used in a mighty way if he but relents to Me and allows Me to use him. He can turn things around (through ME) so the enemy’s power will be STIFLED and CONFUSED. (?) He is a “spy”. He will appear to them as one of them in order to foil their plans. Some will be fooled; some will not. The time for releasing is soon. Remain strong in Me, for I am strong forever.


The time is very short by human standards. ( Time for what, I don’t know…) The Heavens and all that dwell therein are to be revealed for mankind to deal with. As the evil one watched, all comes into place according to what he would perceive to be his plan. He does not realize I have ultimate power over all he does. “Buy he KNOWS YOU are GOD!” “His evilness is his blindness”. The second heaven is to be revealed first–this will cause many dismay and heartache, for they do not understand that this is THE PLAN. Those who are in ME are overcomers; those who are not in ME will be overcome. They arrive with pomp and circumstance, and FEAR will fill the hearts of man because they do not understand. The undiscerning will fall prey immediately as they will perceive to BER man, but this is only outward. Inward they are not man at all. It is merely a ploy to destroy. (?) They appear to bring “peace” and KNOWLEDGE, but everything they say is deceitful. They will attempt to attack Mine first and others last. My Spirit is dispersed abundantly to all of Mine, but many will not adhere to My Commands, and those who do will be labeled as foolish (?), even from their own. (even from those in same Christ-body church) *They will be able to metamorpha from man to woman and back to man again, depending on how they are used in the moment. Some will maintain animal characteristics and they will be readily accepted in a perverse society and nation. They all have power, but it is not GOOD power–it is meant only to destroy. One who is most respected and viewed “holy” but is opposite, will befriend and welcome them, and those who follow him will do likewise. Those who attempt to stop them will be tormented, tortured, and persecuted, even by their own. The only power against them will be My Power vs their power. (fleshly Mans power, and, apparently, men’s weaponry will be ineffective against them) I always WIN, but the battle 9for mankind) will be intense and many will lose their life for righteousness’ sake. The “Lucifer” (I checked this out–was curious about the word “the” before the name, indicating a “thing” and not a “being”–it is a huge telescope owned by the Vatican, and Lucifier is what the vatican named it….) scans the heavens and knows they are ready because of the signs that appear which have been written about and stored for generation upon generation. I will come upon the willing to teach them warfare through ME. Their weapons are of not avail against this enemy, but My strength and My Power and MY WISDOM will be bestowed on those who will use it in battle. I, the TRUE KING, soon come to claim what has always been rightfully MINE. I rule and reign soon and my arrival will be the HOPE all of Mine have been seeking, for such is now as was in the time of Lot. Be steadfast, be strong, be diligent. Let my courage and faith be Your guide, for to rest in Me and rely on Me is all that is required of you. Let Me Spirit fill you with PEACE, for My Peace will restore all things.

*Those led of satan; pretending to be from God; Ie, demons and demon-possessed, attempting to mislead mankind in end-times.


Water. There is lots of water. It will seem as if it will cover the earth, but it will not. It is a diversion to keep eyes off of what is truly happening. As China and Russia advance, it is time for the demise of Syria. The mark begins in the U.S. Roman Catholic Church. ((This is what I heard, tho it truly pained me to write it down…almost my whole family is Roman Catholic. Jesus, save my loved ones, please Lord! And I am not sure or understand how a CHURCH or RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION could possibly begin this mark of the beast…God had told me once before that it would begin in U.S….so U.S. Roman Catholic Church? Distressed over this…)


(VISION ONLY) Black helicopters encompassing, circling round and round–so many that the sky looks like dark clouds-but the “clouds” are machines. Poison comes from them, toxins. Chemicals. Neurotoxins, endotoxins that kill rapidly; almost instantly. Town names Damascus, TelaViv, Syria, Jerusalem…


Tanks and warships and warplanes advance against My Own. I AM their ONLY HOPE. Many of mine will be saved by My Mighty Hand, THE WORLD WILL KNOW IT IS I, THE LORD ALMIGHTY who have interceded. However, evil will soon believe it to be evil and will rejoice over HIM, not ME. 🙁 His words will indicate a false humbleness of himself being “the peacemaker” and “savior of God’s People”. The rejoicing over him will be felt around the world by those who belong to him. Because they do NOT know Me or because they already KNOW HIM and are COMMITTED TO HIS CAUSE. (?) Remain steadfast. Remain in PRAYER. I AM YOUR HELP ALWAYS AND FOREVER. THERE IS NO FEAR IN ME. THEREFORE, THERE IS NO FEAR IN YOU. (Amen!)


The time wanes short. It is about to take place, that which was written long ago by My Holy Prophets.

As warplanes from the East approach, this country is left defeseless against the enemy. Because they have turned their back on Me–because they believe lies instead of Truth; because evil begets evil, evil will befall them. Death and destruction are eminent. “What about YOURS, Jesus?” MINE HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE. “What must I do? Anything?” MATTHEW 10:7-8.

Ref to above–Their weapons are “invisible” their hearts are deadly and dangerous; they have only one agenda–that is DEATH. Death to all mine, death to all theirs. They are led by je who enjoys death; the destroyer of all things. (holy)

I will begin removing those who preach doctrines of demons and devils in ways in which they themselves will know it is I and my punishment is JUST. Mine must pray for and seek discernment, for many do not; many are drawn away by this world and by this worlds desire and the desire to “not offend”. They lack one thing. (?) They lack My Spirit-leading. They are led by FEELINGS, EMOTIONS, TIME, even by heartstrings that are attached to wrong hearts. (?) Their hearts must follow Me FIRST, then I will show them the truth about such things. When their heart is focused on human emotion, it can stop by Spirit leading. Even the human emotion of love can cause the truth to be bent or swayed. However, those who are led by God-love heart see things I do. They profess My Truth because my Holy Spirit talks for them; they are intent on eternal goals, not worldly goals or goals that will win the affection of another.

The God-love heart sees things in an eternal perspective. It first looks at itself before looking at others. It first denies itself before judging others. It judges right from wrongl death and life, according to My Judgment, according to My Mercy, according to My Wrath, according to MY SPIRIT. It does not condemn, but it shows WHAT IS CONDEMNATION. (?) What is perceived by many as “judgment” is actually God-love, if it is presented with The Way, The Truth, The Life. (I love you, Jesus!)

Soon the borders will be guarded by those NOT of this country. The rules are broken. The people suffer. The time of times is at hand. Russia and China have establised bases on the grounds of “being allies”. They are NOT allies; they are enemies as is Germany, France, and Great Britain….

The “heads of state” know this already and have prepared for it, for it is unavoidable; it was planned, it is part of the PLAN. (?) They have been preparing for decades for this time. They believe they will be safe in their “bunkers” but this is their demise. They will die SUFFOCATING deaths. They perceive themselves to be their own safety. THEY ARE FOOLS. THE ONLY SAFETY IS IN ME. (Amen!)

Me: “The Children…Father, I keep seeing the fear on the children’s faces; I cannot bear that these little ones must suffer. It makes me so sad. 🙁 They suffer because of the sins of their fathers, but their suffering is only temporary. There is a certain time when I come into their hearts and they who are Mind live forever with Me. (Me: Lord, I pray right now that ALL of them are YOURS.


There is a disquiet among those of mine who are AWARE, as they know what is soon to be. The number of these is far fewer than I had hoped, for the evil one uses many forms of distraction to keep them from the same truth before their eyes. These distractions come in many forms and tend to supersede My Voice and my leading into ALL truth. I am speaking; but few are LISTENING.

They must lay everything aside and wait to hear My Voice. I am instructing ways to help them; ways to keep them safe; ways to block the enemy’s strategies, but their minds are filled with worldly visions and worldly desires and none of them (who are misled) seek after Me as they should. They excuse themselves saying they have no time. Satan uses a perversion of time to take away knowledge I am trying to instill. He uses cares and worries and drudgeries of daily living to keep them from giving time to ME, yet their hearts deep inside truly want time with ME.

There are certain things which have crept in steadily; things not of Me that seem of Me, but anything not rooted in Me is NOT OF ME. Pray for the ignorant (yikes) who view “love” of Me as acceptance of all that is ungodly and unholy...I call Mine to be holy, to be separate, to be set apart from this world. Yes, I allow certain things to occur which must happen, but man must realize that he causes many things to happen that ought not.

Discouragement should not be. Mine have My power to avoid this, if only they would seek Me in all things. When they make their own decisions rather than allowing Me to lead them, they become discouraged. Proverbs 3:5

Mental anguish is many forms of discouragement rolled into one. It is satan’s way of keeping Mine out of My Will for their life. They must lay aside flesh, emotions, and even will, and submit to My will and My leading.

When I look from Heaven, I see dark portions over various parts of the earth in which man dwells. U.S. very dark…China very dark, Russia very dark, Europe very dark…Africa very dark…(on and on…) This darkness is spreading like cancer and it is led by OCCULT practices. Any and all spiritual enlightenment that is NOT OF ME is of satan. If My Spirit is not guiding, it is NOT OF ME. Mind games are being played by the enemy. The strong will fight, the weak will succumb. There is ONLY STRENGTH IN ME.

The things that must come to pass will begin with the “cannon shot” They are in the deep recesses of the sea; readying themselves for their evil purpose which I will turn into good. (Jesus!) They think they are hidden; but I SEE ALL.

Your heart is heavy over the lost. YES. Continue to pray, continue to teach about ME; continue to LOVE all things of ME, and remember that it is OK to HATE that which is EVIL. (Here, I am remembering two nights ago when G went someplace and again, as happens a lot when he goes places, I was awakened in middle of night by something evil. It screamed at me, waking me up out of a sound sleep…I felt an instant fear–and then immediately told it to BE GONE IN JESUS’ NAME. It left. I was left with a profound sense of HATE for whatever that was. I immediately began to pray in the spirit and in my head over that hate emotion, as it was so strong..never felt anything like that before, and it kinda unnerved me…) *God’s people HATE only one thing: EVIL.


There are many who sit in positions of authority in various churches who do not access that which is freely given to them by ME, yet it was these same gifts that brought people to the TRUTH of ME, JESUS. If these things had not been done, the ONE TRUE GOD would never have been able to be glorified by showing the things which are of Him and His Kingdom. Matthew 10:7-8

Instead of shying away from My Power, these same must ASK FOR IT, ACCESS IT, AND USE IT TO GROW MY CHURCH IN THESE LAST DAYS. My People MUST BE a people of MY POWER, MY FIRE is all-consuming to those who will not allow it to be dampened by the things of the world, disires of the flesh, and persecution of the righteous. MY FIRE can consume all of these. (wow)

“Is there more, Father?” YES. Spiritual DISCERNMENT is critical, for many false teachers are perverting the real truths in many ways. I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, THE LIFE. THOSE WHO ARE TRULY MINE WILL WALK AS I DO, ALWAYS SEEKING THE WILL OF OUR FATHER, ALWAYS SEEKING THE GUIDANCE OF HOLY GHOST, ALWAYS WALKING IN MY LOVE, MY COMPASSION, MY SORROW (?), MY JOY. They will not concern themselves with mundane issues of the world, but WILL BE AWARE AND AWAKE to what is happending, so that they are capable of warning others.

Pay attention to your dreams and act upon them (?) for I am getting ready to reveal much to many of Mine.


Land has been given to the enemy behind closed doors, with only knowledge of a few. It is listed as “repayment” but this enemy does not want land as repayment, but SOULS. Chinese tradition is for torture to be a game; to be an entertainment as much as a form of control, manipulation, and power. The beheading will be controlled by them in the beginning. “But how can they do that here, in the U.S., we are a “free country”?” They have been INVITED, for such a purpose as this. The land is not governed by ME, it is governed by My adversary. The people do not have control, not have they for a long time, altough they are unaware of this. Their hearts are blinded, their eyes cannot see. 🙁 I have taken My hand of protection away from them; indeed destruction of pride is coming. Their evil will begin against the children, most will be horrified, and those who attempt to stop it will be executed without a trial, for it will be “their right to do as they wish”. (with the children) “Oh, Jesus…someone is going to hurt CHILDREN? HERE?” YES. (I am horrified at this realization, and immediately begin praying)

Warships are hidden and will surface soon (U.S.?) Most have been invited. Those who are under government jurisdiction for shelter, food, clothing, etc. will be those frist to be used. (?) It is a “work for help” situation, but they are not “working”; they are used for evil. Many will be unable to do as requested. Many will take their own life. “What, Father…will they be “requested” to do???” EVIL. PURE EVIL. So, Father, do you mean that something/someone/some country associated with these ships will be “given” these people as, well…war-time slaves or something like that?? YES. Others will go into hiding, and will be able to survive for a time to serve My purpose for them.

Oh, Father…I am not understand any of this…” You will soon. “My heart is so heavy; why CHILDREN?” Evil knows how to touch the heart of man; evil will cling to evil; good will fight evil or run from it, depending upon their strength in ME. To run is not good; it shows fear. To fight is to show you are strong in Me; for it is really ME who is the WARRIOR. “AMEN!” “I don’t know why I ask this, but my spirit asks what do they want with the children?” Perversion, physical abuse with such; some as slaves, some as sacrifice to evil gods. “HERE?” YES. (I began to pray earnestly and intently for God to protect ALL children) Many will turn away from Me, not understanding that man’s own evil is the cause of man’s demise; that they choose to follow satan rather than ME, and lust after manly desires rather than give themselves entirely to ME. Once they allow evil in, it will grow and grow into more and more destruction, which invades not only they themselves, but their home, their work, the places they go…they leave a foul essence of EVIL. (yikes) But those who are Mine; they go from glory to glory as they allow Me to work in them, through them, and to them. “Father…Robert told me that some are NOT chosen to be saved; that Yours are predestinated, that some can never be saved, but also in Your Word it says that You, God, do not wish ANY to perish; so which is correct? ALL MAN can be saved if they come to ME. However, some who appear to be “man” belong to evil; they never WERE Mine; and they never shall be, because only man’s heart has the ability to be drawn to Me. Those whose hearts are not ALL man, cannot be MINE. “I am not understanding, Father…” There are some who will never be Mine, because the evil in their heart is unreachable, for they are not of ME. (not entirely HUMAN?)

Chinese have infiltrated Russia also, but more of them are to come soon. (I keep seeing this black car exploding; I am wondering if it is important political figure from U.S.) Fire is flowing down mountains; NOT volcano fire–just FIRE. But instead of going UP the mountain as is the norm, it is burning DOWNWARD, toward homes, people, city, fast, furious, and no stopping it. (Colorado??) Much evil exists there; evil that most man’s hearts would be shocked if they realized. “Oh, Jesus—my kids and grandbaby live there…” I KNOW. CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR THEM.

“I see planes, small planes, with some kind of poison-yellowish color; swooping down over large cities. It is caustic. People are coughing and choking…It is horrible. What is that, Father?” EVIL. MURDER. “But who is doing it, is it ware or U.S. or what–???” (no answer)

“Oh, Jesus, I am saddened at these things you show me…” I return soon, very soon. My church must get ready. Focus on bearing fruit, for the time is short. Pray for the lost. Pray for all saints. Pray for all teachers, pastors, apostles, evangelist; pray for My People.