He calls me “My Child” : ) He calls you that, too, if He is your Savior and Lord.
Note: There is a noticeable decrease in messages I’ve received after the global release of the CV bioweapon. I don’t know why, but I know when Jesus has something to tell me, He will tell me. And if He tells me to share it, I will do so. I do believe with all my heart that HE IS COMING SOON, as He has said repeatedly in these entries.
My Child, what, after all, is “destiny”?
When man speaks of such, it often conveys a pondering of things that MIGHT be or achievements that MAY occur–in one’s earthly lifetime. A “desired destiny”, My Child, can often be linked with “hope deferred”.
When one’s desires for fulfillment center around ONESELF, one’s desired accomplishments, one is often dismayed at the lack of fulfillment of such desired accomplishments.
Often, such can prey on a mind, until the desire to “achieve and accomplish” what one’s own heart and mind seek, rather than submitting completely to My desires, My guidance, My Commands, and such will lead to aggravation and frustration; with such desires often going unfulfilled–it is the enemy’s way to lead one off-course and “wandering” and ,many never fully realize the potential in them to accomplish fully what MY desire for them is.
In this “wandering” to fulfill one’s own desires, man is often so intent on his own intended path, thought up with his own mind, and laid out by his own thoughts, that he often misses the intent of the path I have laid down for him.
So, how you ask, does one know their life-path IS directed by Me? My Child, Mine must earnestly seek Me and My wisdom; one must desire to accomplish My Will in their life by My leading, and one will recognize Peace in the Journey–such peace is recognizable as following My direction. If there is a question of “SHOULD I?” accompanied by confusion and unrest, one must ask oneself: IS THIS GOD’S PLAN FOR ME, OR MINE?
You see, My Child, when one allows Me to lead and one follows My Lead, I shut doors that misdirect, while opening doors of opportunity When one follows My direction while intently following ME, one’s direction will be what brings one closer to Me!
My Child, have you ever been in a place where you do not feel welcomed? (everyone has!) Your first thought is: “I should not be here; this does not feel comfortable to me…;” such is a wrong turn in life’s journey==there is no peace or comfort when one “steps off” the path laid down by Me–for as I gently lead, one will feel My Peace, and My nudges along the path of one’s “true” destiny–and one will continually be drawn CLOSER TO ME….
My Child, the time is fast approaching when each man will be called upon to see where his priorities lie.
Some, sadly, will pick money, others, sadder still, will cling to sin and the (perverted) things of this world.
Those who are truly Mine and have relented and repented, and given their heart to ME will be those who overcome and survive the strategy of satan to steal, kill, destroy.
To say one must be “strong in The Lord and in the Power of His Might.” is just the beginning of the conquerers’ strategies! One must possess, through the Power of My Spirit residing within them, a discernment of that which is of Me and that which is not, for many false preachers will attempt to sway Mine from many truths.
Only those STRONG in MY SPIRIT will be AB:LE to discern! (that which is of Me; that which is of man, and that which is of satan)
My Child, recall the subtlety of the snake; “You will not surely die, but you shall be as God…; such is the preaching, teaching, and mind-set of false followers and those who are being misguided.
The subtlety of the snake was allowing Adam to ponder IF I WOULD SURELY DO AS I HAD SPOKEN. As soon as one ponders: “Will GOD care? Will God’s righteous judgement fall? Is He really seeing this–does He REALLY CARE? My Child, once one takes up this nonchalant mind-set toward sin, one walks as Adam walked: completely undiscerning of the righteousness of ME and My righteous judgement.
My Child, many are not only BOUND by satan’s grip of sin, but many are undiscerning of the dire consequence of their complacency toward it! This is why, My Child, so many of Mine fall (for satan’s strategy to lead to sin) because they do not understand the dire ramifications of allowing satan jurisdiction over their life.
My Child, you were saddened when you saw and heard the number of people waiting in the parking lot to purchase “legal drugs” (at the opening of a weed store.) You understand the yoke, the bondage, the chain of such; but most, sadly, do not. *
To be strong in the spirit requires a God-given knowledge to discern the subtlety of the snake, and crush his head before he gets the chance to bite, for his poison leads to death….
*Here, I was reminded how I prayed diligently for legal marijuana use to NOT PASS in our state and when it did, I asked God WHY it passed. His answer: “MY PEOPLE VOTED FOR IT.” I then recalled an hour-long conversation I had with “a pastor” at an outdoor community event regarding his taking around a petition to legalize marijuana. I gave him several scriptural arguments regarding the bondage of drugs/alcohol, freedom in Christ FROM sin/bondage, etc…, but This “pastor” wouldn’t listen to God’s Word regarding this pharmakia sent by satan to steal,kill, destroy…, and, instead, he contributed to obtaining enough signatures on this petition to allow a vote to legalize marijuana. I pray he repents before he meets Jesus.
My Child, the heresy is great and evil in many places that call themselves “church”.
One must discern fact from fiction; truth from untruth, and determine what spirits are behind the workings in a “body”.
To understand HOW the enemy’s strategies work and what they are, and what they are meant to accomplish in individuals AND in a group, are the beginning of the determination/discernment of evil or good. Matthew 5
As I have given commands for My church, are these commands being sought after and followed? Or do men seek after their OWN desires? What is the agenda of the leadership? Is it to lead souls to ME and My Truths? To test these things is good, yes–to understand WHY things that are taking place occur, is it to glorify Me and My Father and My Spirit, or to glorify man, a place, an occurrence? Is greed the main factor behind a movement?
Is influential power of an individual responsible for growth, or My Spirit?
Is manipulation and/or control being used to nudge individuals into wrong behavior or wrong thinking?
Is there an ongoing, perpetual pursuit for righteousness, right living, according to My Word and My Spirit?
Does the atmosphere portray chaos/confusion, or peace and calmness?
When biblical rebuke is offered, is it accepted with compliance to “rightly serve” (as Gods Words proclaims) , or pridefully turn away? (not accepting/acting upon biblical correction)
Is the spirit of Jezebel; divination, perverseness and perversity present and on display and/or celebrated?
Are the pastors/leaders SERVING others or are others serving them?
Is the Word they preach confirmed by My Spirit, and the “manifestation” of “Spirit”, MY SPIRIT; confirmed by My Word?
Do they portray a profound love for Me, My Father, My Spirit, and act accordingly, led by love for Me and love for others?
Do they discern evil entering in and disrupt it’s attempts to steal, kill, destroy?
Is there active work ongoing as I commissioned My Church?
My Child, the snake slithers in…“Ye shall be as gods…”; and this is the heretic–the one who’s desire is lead of pride, greed, power, lust….rather than a profound and apparent desire to bear much fruit for My Kingdom by humbleness and servitude and love for Me and others.
Matthew 7:21-23, 16:25 2 Corinthians 11:2-4, 14-15
As Russia, China, and North Korea join forces, US is put in precarious position–“allies” are really “underground enemies”; and much prayer and fasting by Mine should be accomplished.
Mine must lay down all frivolities and begin to pray more, seek ME more, fast more–warfare in The Spirit is essential as powers and principalities gather to prepare for the war of all wars.
Many will be taken by surprise–even those who know and understand what has been written. False “churches:” crumble; spiritually and physically–to the leading of lying, deceitful spirits, and many are wandering astray.
Many false preachers reveal “growth” in wealth and material substances as “growth” IN ME. Many are led astray as devotion turns from ME to world, and “powerful preachers”. Idol-worship runs rampant; and true worship of GOD is lacking.
As Russia and China move into stage 2 of bio-warfare, many will finally begin to understand the consequences of their ignorance; and the consequences of their sins. (those in US govt. leadership, who allowed it and, in some cases, even took part in it–TREASON)
When one trusts an enemy, one is not using wisdom!
TRUST IN GOD is what is essential at all times! He who puts his trust in other things will be disappointed. Man is flawed, man is often moved by fear. Fear cannot remain when one is totally trusting in Me.
Warfare tactics, in the “natural” and “supernatural” are designed to initiate, instill, and prolong FEAR, to the point where one is always looking over the shoulder to “see if the enemy is following”, intent on “attacking.”
When this is foremost in one’s mind, one develops an attitude of “being victimized” BY the enemy, and is easy prey, for fear in one instills power in the other.
When the enemy recognizes that one is fearful, the initial strategy of battle-tactics begins.
If this fear tactic can be controlled by one’s enemy–he can keep his victim in constant disarray, confusion, and apprehension–continually wondering when the “next attack” will occur, and indeed, “inviting” enemy provocation, by “awaiting the inevitable and unavoidable”. (yikes!)
My Child, in military warfare, it is vital that one’s enemies are aware of the strength and power of the forces which will come against them if they launch an attack. This, My Child, is #1 in man’s military warfare: the weak know the strong; and the strong know the weak.
The weak, whose artillery is lacking essential weaponry necessary for defense and strategic weaponry use for ultimate effectiveness, has already been defeated by the knowledge that they cannot overcome the army which possesses and uses (more) powerful weaponry to defend themselves.
So, in essence, this forefront knowledge, where one’s enemy recognizes their foe’s combative strength against them. is the #1 OFFENSIVE strategy used in warfare!
“Don’t mess with us; we will squash you like a bug!:
My Child, this is a vital and necessary strategy against satan and his army.
The stronger one is in Me, the more powerful the “punch” is against the enemy!
The problem is that many do not USE that which they have been given THROUGH ME, to be effective, even in this first offensive strategy:
Not only does the enemy see and recognize this–he also recognizes weakness and fear and will not hesitate to inflict warfare strategies against Mine who are weak and fearful, because weakness defines “easy prey”, and one that can be easily beaten.
My Child, let us go back to the garden–back to Adam. Peace and fruitfulness reigned in My Garden. Adam had all he needed, and nothing was required of him. He had one rule to follow: “Do not eat of the tree in the middle of the garden, or you shall surely die…”
When the tempter came in and misled Adam to defy ME, not only did sin and death enter into man, but FEAR was instilled into man’s heart, due to his sin and disobedience. Fear of death, fear of the unknown, fear of retribution, ……
My Child, for those who are Mine, fear has no place, for in overcoming sin, death, and satan, I also overcame his strategy of instilling FEAR into My Own, by FAITH AND TRUST in ME.
Just as Mine put their FAITH in Me to overcome sin and satan’s strategies to lead one to and keep one in sin, just as Mine Trust in Me for Eternal LIFE, rather than endless death, so must Mine recognize and realize satan’s strategy to instill fear of him and his tactics to steal, kill, and destroy, and put their FAITH and trust in ME to quench the “fear factor” that he often uses to come against My Own.
Do not forget, My Children, that satan is the progenitor of ALL evil, and the father of all lies–and those who are his do as he does.
Trusting in Me–for I AM FAITHFUL TO MY OWN!–is your #1 offensive strategic warfare plan against enemy attack forces.
Isaiah 41:10 Psalm 23, 55:22, 34:17-18, 125:1-2 Proverbs 3:5-6 Matthew 6:34, 9:22, 21:21 Luke 12:22-34 Romans 10:17 2 Corinthians 5:7 1 Thessalonians 3:10, Hebrews 11:1-6, 12:2
James 5:15 1John 4:18 2 Timothy 1:7
My Child, as time progresses swiftly to it’s end, many who do not understand WHY things are happening will be open to hear My Truths. As many “prepare” for earthly disaster, Mine must “prepare” for what is to occur spiritually.
Self-discipline and self-control are required, in order that one remains steadfast in faith. To discipline oneself to seek Me during trials/tribulations, to not succumb to anxiety, fear, panic, but, (instead) totally trusting in ME is what is required.
This is a nation that invokes My Name, but who seeks to be led of themselves rather than of Me. This great nation has achieved much; and much is required of it. However, what was NOT utilized was the initial identity to remain close to Me.
The fall of man began the falling away of the structural format of “GOD is GOD, and man is man.”
You see, throughout the generations, man has turned to ME, sought after Me, desired to live for Me. But the pulling away from (GOD) Me and godly lifestyles; the increase of knowledge of good and evil; has brought man to the point where he feels there is “no need to turn to Me, (God), to seek Me, (God) or to live godly.”
For man feels capable of conquering his enemies without seeking Me or relying ON ME.
Thus, the ONLY avenue for “help in times of trouble” has become man and his (limited and carnal) knowledge.
My Child, enemies that kill are nothing new. The way man RESPONDS to enemy attack is now reliant on self-power and (earthly) achievement, rather than on seeking ME, My advice, and My protection. (worldly carnal weaponry; WITHOUT seeking God, or asking protection of ALMIGHTY GOD)
Man denies his sin, spreading distance between God and man.
My Child, you know I AM protection and peace and I sustain. But many do not know this; many do not realize that I AM THAT I AM, and I heal, I sustain, I protect. To seek “protection” through the ways of man, one is missing the ONE vital component that provides TRUE and COMPLETE PROTECTION: ME.
Sin, and it’s resultant affects, are rarely discussed in My church. Yet, it is this very thing which negates the Power of My Spirit, not only in the individual, but in the total working of My Church.
One cannot expect to cling to the things of this world, and the old man’s fleshly desires, and also at the same moment, be diligently listening to Me and following the directive of My Spirit.
When one reads of the early saints, there was a recognizable “turning of the world”. through the workings of My Spirit through My Own. (unsaved hearts and lives seeking GOD, because of the workings of His Spirit in and through the Believers)
In order that one may fully recognize the prodding and resultant activity of My Spirit within them one MUST be reliant on ME, not oneself, one must be surrendered to allowing Me Lordship over their life, rather than their life and ambition being “lord” over the prodding of My Spirit.
I hear often, “You do not hear; You do not answer” Yet, I always hear; I always answer!
One must check and define and refine the desires of the heart and soul in one’s requests! One must also LISTEN as one ASKS. Often the answer to the request is dependent upon whether the recipient is willing to receive in fullness the answer to the request.
This is a rebellious and stubborn generation; intent on achieving “fullness of life”, by acquiring “fullness” of this earthly life; which, in fact, can NEVER TRULY be achieved, for the man who has continues to WANT MORE. (not being content with what one has; or thankful/grateful for what one has, but always wanting MORE)
To truly achieve fullness in this life, one must focus on achieving the inward things of the spirit and the heart–and focus NOT on THIS LIFE, but rather on achieving fully the “free life” of living in My Kingdom, here on earth!
With the fullness of the leading of My Spirit, one is able to rightly discern between those things which are temporal and those things which are ever-lasting and of ME.
My Child, My own often say “I want more of You, Jesus!” but in their hearts, they continue to hold fast to the very things which encumber them from achieving this request! When a heart TRULY wants the aforementioned, one will lay down their sin and indiscretions; lay down their hearts desires of achieving carnal desires; lay down their idols of material-worship and power, and seek ME wholly with a burning heart’s desire to succumb to the will of My Spirit in all areas of their life!
When one is truly committed to Me, one is also willing to the refining fire of My Spirit to loose one from the chains and bonds that continually keep one from achieving total freedom from sin/satan and instead achieving fullness of My Spirit, with the manifestation of My Power working in them and through them.
My Child, it is the manifestation of My Spirit, working through My Church individually and corporally–that can, once again, turn this world “upside down”, and effectively lead others to ME.
Mine must be surrendered completely to ME; submitted to Me, as Lord of one’s life–to direct continually; committed to CHANGING in order to achieve fullness of freedom THROUGH ME AND WILLING TO ALLOW MY SPIRIT to refine, direct, challenge, and manifest the workings of GOD in them and through them.
Ezekiel 36:27 Isaiah 1:25, 4:4 Malachi 3:3-4, John 6:63 Acts 1:4-8, chapters 2, 3
As Russia and China begin second round of warfare at western world, another barely recognized “country” “comes to the aid” of US. (? I do not know who this is..) They appear to be allies, even defensive in their help, but their intent is to seek alliance so to gain knowledge–secret knowledge, into weaponry systems and the workings thereof.
Just as some in power in the US govt are REALLY intent on her destruction, so it is with this “new ally”; the spirit of deception is working strongly and many are deceived by what they THINK is TRUTH, (but in actuality) is FAR FROM THE TRUTH.
This “New ally” will offer $$$$$ help to US, in exchange for information regarding implementation of defensive systems– “in order to protect us from yours and our enemies”.
IF US RELENTS–in accepting $$$$$ help for exchange of information regarding defensive “technical” weaponry, she falls right into the hands of the Destroyer, and this destroyer will have achieved the goal she set out to achieve–the destruction of the US.
The U.S. has been, since it’s beginning, the battle ground between good and evil. Those who wish her demise have been in governmental power since the beginning–for they did NOT desire freedom in a land. Satan does not like freedom, but bondage and servitude to him. The US, by her satanic virtues of sexual perversion and “abortion” (murder of babies in the womb) is satan’s #1 army AGAINST freedom–you see, the one who declares “We are Free”, are more bound by satanic influence and ritual of (satan’s) bondage THAN ANY OTHER PEOPLE.
“WE DESIRE A KING”, really means continual allowance of one who is flawed by world and flesh and emotions, (and often money.) to gain and obtain authority, rather than God governing people, leading them by love for Him and others and conviction in hearts to follow Me. (Jesus)
The US govt has become such “in leadership” that the ones who dwell in the land, who serve and work and live in her–have no voice–no freedom to BE governed BY ME, yet must fall under the rule/authority of satan’s bylaws for conformity to his desires for destruction through servitude to him. (ungoldy and immoral “laws”, that go directly AGAINST GOD and His Moral Commands)
Me: “But what about the Church? Your People?”
My Child, to look within the “heart” of the Church, one gazes upon conformity to satan, for most who claim to be Mine, live as this world does, and follow worldly instincts and desires, rather than following ME.
Yes, My Child, there are many who love and serve Me, and follow Me, but not what one is led to believe by numbers of congregants; “you shall know them by their fruit”. Observe, My Child, observe and discern!
No posted date
Time, as we know it to be, will END. Revelation 10:4-6
Revelation 10:4-6
My Child, time is fast approaching where time will be no more.
Time is opportunity, opportunity can often be missed. When one’s focus is on TIME rather than OPPORTUNITY.
To obtain the things of Heaven, one must take advantage of time well-spent, obtaining opportunity to grow GOD’S Kingdom.
Man’s focus in the use of time is negated by flesh and cares of this world; often time is misspent in ways that do no further one’s walk with me; in ways that do not grow God’s kingdom here; in ways that avoid the commission I have laid down for MY OWN.
Yet, you see, My Child, when I say “FOLLOW ME”, what I mean is – follow what I have done to grow GOD’S KINGDOM. Time is growing GOD’S KINGDOM is time that continues to multiply – by fruit that bares more fruit!
My Child, just as times arrive, and pass – so are the things of THIS WORLD. But when one’s focus is on ME and the things of HEAVEN, such time spent is a pleasing aroma of sacrifice that permeates throughout the Heavens.
My Child, when I asked Peter “DO YOU REALLY LOVE ME?” i WAS ASKING HIM: Peter, do you love ME ENOUGH to tell others about ME? Do you love ME enough to walk as I do; fulfilling the will of OUR FATHER? Do you love ME ENOUGH to go where I need you to go, and say what I tell you to say, and DO what I ASK YOU TO DO?
Psalm 102:25-27
Isaiah 51:6
Matthew 24:35-42
Luke 21:33-36
Mark 13:31-37
Acts 1:8
The time of the cunning wolves is upon MY CHURCH.
To look upon the wolf, one sees a majestic countenance, a quick assurance, and a profound sense of complacency; the wolf knows who he is, and is content with this knowledge. The wolf even tho it is really NOT SO, feels superior to other animals – he is much too ‘over-confident’ in every aspect, and this over-confidence often leads him to areas of confusion, trouble, and even untimely death.
The wolf is cunning and quick, and strives to lead; strives to ‘be first’ because with such leadership comes much benefit. He will be the first to gorge himself after the kill; he will always get his fill, and those under him wait until he allows. (them to have their turn)
My Child, ‘wolves’ in MY Church are sent explicitly to mislead, confuse, divide, conquer, and kill. With such disparity, confusion, strife, and division takes place.
Mine MUST be able to recognize the wolves in their midst.
#1. They mislead with cunning words/deeds, often with an arrogance that implies ‘what I say/do is of vital importance’, thus, gaining the attention of the congregation to ‘follow him/her’, rather than “FOLLOW ME” (JESUS).
#2. Wolves devour through confusion/strife/division. My Child, a pastor/leader’s job is to UNITE, not to cause division, strife, confusion. Mine must be discerning and understand the wolf’s strategy to devour.
#3. Wolves are confident that they will be followed; that what they say/do will not be questioned or challenged, but blindly and willingly accepted. They will obtain mass confidence, then destroy, and those who DO DISCERN and speak forth are often put out as ‘dissenters’ of The Church.
My Child, My Church must be aware of the wolves!
If one allows, MY SPIRIT will discern and one will NOT BE LED ASTRAY by the ‘wolves in sheep’s covering’; but, rather, will confront with a boldness and confidence that says: “wolves are not welcome here”.
Acts 20:28-32
My Child, as I separate those who say they are Mine, from those who TRULY ARE MINE, many things become blatantly apparent to those whose hearts desire is ME.
Money, power, fame and popularity all will fade, and the ones who held fast TO ME will be evident.
These are those who are not afraid of what man can do to them, but who TRUST ME with undying and incomparable TRUST.
These are those who go AGAINST the ‘wind of this world’, and follow MY SPIRIT.
These are those who ‘take a chance’ and step into what I desire, what I am leading their heart to do.
These are those who will gently correct, courageously defend, and war against EVIL by the power of ME in them.
These are those who recognize and realize that the material things of this world account FOR NOUGHT, but who STRIVE FOR ME. THE THINGS OF ME, and RIGHTEOUS LIVING BY ME.
One MUST BE concerned for one another; look out for each other – encourage one another, and also gently correct those being led astray, and courageously REBUKE those leading others astray.
These, MY Child, are those who will FIGHT FOR ME, and THE THINGS OF MY KINGDOM, led of MY SPIRIT; Empowered by MY SPIRIT, and willing TO ALLOW MY SPIRIT to MANIFEST IN and THROUGH THEM to perform MY WORK, according to MY FATHER’S WILL, just as I.
My Child, those who negate the power of ME IN THEM (to FIGHT EVIL), will sadly, BE OVERPOWERED by Mine and man’s adversary, the destroyer. GO in the Power and Might of MY SPIRIT IN YOU.
Mark 16:15-20
Isaiah 61
Luke 4:14 – 5
My Child, as many wait for My return, they become slack in their walk with ME.
Mine must understand this ‘waiting’ period must be a ‘working’ time!
Mine and man’s enemy is strengthened when Mine do nothing. The power of ME in Mine will ALWAYS prevail against satan, but the lukewarm will never realize this, because they do not take up their cross and follow ME as they should.
The battle intensifies because Mine do NOT know who they are in ME, through ME, by ME, because of ME and MY CROSS!
I provide ALL Mine need to effectively stop satan and his army, yet many acquiesce to his plots – many fall down, and when one of these who are weak fall, it is often difficult for them to arise again. Because, you see, they have fallen for the wicked one’s strategy. There is a great LACK of Discerning of Spirits among MY PEOPLE!
My Own MUST recognize that which is evil and leading one to evil, in order to use their weapons of warfare to conquer; yet, even in MY Church, that which is ‘good’ and that which is ‘evil’, become violently twisted!
To discern, one’s heart MUST BE one with MY heart – with THE FATHER’S HEART. A true and divine LOVE for ME, MY FATHER, and others is what is required to adequately discern good from evil in this ever-fading world.
When one is lacking in divine love for ME, MY FATHER, and others, one cannot properly discern that which is of evil from that which is OF GOD — and grave and perpetual error is the end result.
The main reason one does not walk in such divine love is because one is selfishly focused on oneself; and NOT focused on ME, MY FATHER, and others.
I and MY FATHER created and brought forth by divine LOVE. Man was created by (God’s) intent to LOVE (man) and BE WITH HIM!
My Child, Mine must understand that LOVE requires commitment to not only take time TO BE WITH ME and MY FATHER, to commune, but also to not neglect the innate desire to love and be with others.
Love does not grow through a ‘social platform’, but through the experience of being with others face-to-face; experiencing their life WITH them; helping them, communing with them; feeling what THEY feel… MY Child, love is recognized and FELT when people are TOGETHER!
Satan has devised an evil strategy to separate one from another, and with this separation comes isolation, loneliness, and the void in one’s heart leaves a hole of sadness, which, sadly, is beginning to become a ‘coldness’; now a desire to no longer commune with one another, but to continue in isolated separation.
My Child, it is satan who isolates and separates – not I or MY FATHER or OUR SPIRIT! For we created man to live in community with GOD and WITH OTHERS, for it is in communing with GOD and others that the HEART grows stronger with LOVE for GOD, and Love FOR OTHERS!
My Child, if one births a little one, and does not hold it close, caress it, love it, talk to it, love it…if one births a little one, and attempts are made for it to GROW, but without LOVE — that little one will perish, a DIRECT result of a lack of love being poured into it.
Such is the WAY of MY PEOPLE, without the action of divine LOVE moving compassionately in and through MY BODY — love for GOD; Father, Son, and Spirit; and love for others — my people will perish.
My Child, divine LOVE – love from ME, for ME and others – will STOP satan and his army and grow My Church exponentially in a way this world has never before experienced.
My people say: “I want the POWER!”. Yet, they do NOT realize the ‘power’ comes forth by and through LOVE for ME and LOVE for others!
Love: Let us create
God created US to LOVE US!
John 3:16
Deuteronomy 6:5
Psalm 145:20
Matthew 22:37-39
John 14:23, 15:13, 15:9 MY Love
James 4:7 Love is of GOD.
Ephesians 3:17
Leviticus 19:18
Matthew 5:44
Romans 13:10
1 Thessalonians 5:8 – ARMOR!
Galatians 5:6 * Power, 5:22
John 17:26
1 John 4:7-12 Love perfected by GOD
Love is a flaming red-hot sword which pierces the very heart of wickedness; evil and DIVINE LOVE cannot co-exist! Love pours OUT TRUTH upon satan’s LIES, and STOPS his wicked strategies against MY OWN. (love IS NOT acceptance of sin!)
My Child, one who does not have ME cannot TRULY LOVE with divine love of OUR FATHER, for TRUE LOVE is OF GOD, BY GOD, and THROUGH GODLINESS. The world cannot receive OR release divine God-given LOVE.
What Love is NOT:
impatient, unkind, disrespectful, prideful/arrogant, selfish, greedy, slanderous, rebellious, stubborn, covetess, deceitful, vindicative, perverse, vain, angry/malicious, faithless, hopeless, hateful/dislike, uncaring/lukewarm.
1 Corinthians 13
Put away these childish things! Jesus: “Let Your Love be ‘evident’ to all!”
God-instilled LOVE is the #1 strategy to counter satan’s effective strategy to cause isolation, division, and separation.
1 John 5:7
John 10:30
John 17:22
My Child, as the culmination of many things begins, many will begin to question those in authority, for things will be revealed and many will not ‘Be Accepting’ of THESE new Revealings.
I will open the eyes of MY OWN, but, sadly, many eyes will remain shut to the Light of THE REVEALER.
As time advances swiftly and completely, there will be many seeking TRUTH. Mine must be ready to speak MY TRUTHS!
For those who are ASTUTE in following MY SPIRIT, I will offer opportunity upon opportunity, for a willing heart and a spirit renewed listens and obeys!
The time of times is at hand, MY CHILD, and this generation will see and do great and marvelous things that generations have not yet seen by the Power of MY SPIRIT!
I will open eyes!
I will unstop ears!
The lame will walk!
The sick will rise from their sick-beds!
Those bound by demonic spirits will be released.
(This is actually the work that Believers are supposed to be doing, but which many believe “have passed”….Mark 16:15-20. “And these signs shall follow THOSE WHO BELIEVE…”)
MY Child, I return soon!
MY Church must make ready!
Prepare ye the way of THE KING!
My Child, as the time of all times approaches, many begin to ‘lose heart’, because ‘hope’, in many of eyes of mankind is in the comforts of this world.
But true HOPE must be established only in and through ME.
Did I not provide the way of escape out of SLAVERY for MY OWN?
Did I not feed them and provide fresh, pure, water in the desert?
Did I not make sure Mine were clothed and sheltered and their feet shod as they traveled?
My Child, the comforts of the world are exactly such – worldly!
The temporal must not be looked to for permanent comfort; for those things temporary are corrupt and fade — and with such ‘fading’ “comfort” of such vanishes.
Mine must begin to focus on the comfort of ME; the substantiality of MY Love for MY OWN — for I will NOT abandon Mine, nor forsake those whose trust is in ME alone.
My Child, do you recall the imprisonment of Paul and Silas – how they did not allow FEAR or the LACK OF COMFORT steal away, their profound TRUST in ME? And when they praised ME with ALL Their Heart, with ALL their Love, I shook the earth, loosed their bonds, and they were freed?
Such must be the mindset of MY OWN when they are met with persecution, imprisonment, and trials – for when one knows in his (her) heart that he IS FREE, and that such FREEDOM exists in one’s HEART, worldly (temporal) bonds mean naught; for such a one understands TRUE FREEDOM (of EVIL) IS ONLY OBTAINED and SUSTAINED THROUGH ME.
The chains and fetters of ‘false freedom’ of the enticing things of this world will begin to fall off MY OWN, as they seek the deeper, more profound freedom of ME as LORD of THEIR LIFE.
For ‘true’ freedom is unattainable through the means and comforts of this world, which is fast fading away.
TRUE FREEDOM IS ONLY attainable as one Loves ME and allows ME to LOVE THEM, for this is man’s ‘true freedom’ – in his heart, soul, and mind — which satan nor the world can not come against, nor uproot, for the love of ME is everlasting; profoundly assuring; supernaturally protective; and abundant in peace.
When one TRULY LOVES ME, one ABIDES in ME, and I IN THEM through MY LOVE for them, and their love for ME. The comforts and enticements of this world matter less and less, until such time as they matter not at all, and that which one seeks is ME; MORE OF ME. (JESUS)
Many, when worldly comforts begin to dissolve, will say “God is not here, He cares not for us; He has abandoned us.“
Such is the test of TRUE FAITH! For when one has attained TRUE FAITH IN ME, one will say: “God, is here; He cares for us; He will never abandon us.”
Is your faith truly rooted IN ME, (and ME alone!) My Child?
Matthew 6:24-34
Acts 16:16-40
John 16:33
12-2020 (no day)
As the U.S. prepares for war, most are unaware of the coming consequence of this. For there are those whose claim is to be ‘allies’, when, in effect, they are strident enemies of the U.S. and the freedom she stands for.
You must pray, My Child, for those in leadership to be discerning and wise and to follow MY LEAD.
MY CHURCH, MY PEOPLE must REPENT of the wickedness of the world and it’s devices infiltrating their thoughts and their lives; pulling them away from ME and MY TRUTH and MY PRINCIPLES for godly, righteous living.
You see, My Child, Mine are set-apart, different from this world, yet they seek after the things of this world, rather than the things of ME and MY KINGDOM. This is why many of Mine suffer needlessly by God and man’s enemy, for they know not MY KINGDOM and MY PRINCIPLES rule here as well as in Heaven.
(Here, I had a flash of Danny, and what Jesus had showed me after he died. He was in Heaven, setting jeweled stones on the foundation of the TEMPLE. Carefully, purposefully, peacefully, and with great joy; this made me smile, because I could see Danny being chosen for such a TASK!)
(But, I knew his death was untimely, horrible, suffering…was Jesus telling me now that HIS KINGDOM Principles, already intact HERE, had not been accessed for Danny; for his healing had not come…I don’t know. I will know soon tho.)
Thinking about Mark: Oh, yes, FATHER, You should me what happened. : (
(another brother who died tragically, horribly, and God showed me many things regarding this after he went to Heaven. He also showed me they are both in heaven with Him.)
Just trust in ME, My Child! I AM LEADING YOU. Abide in ME , and I shall instill within you peaceful and blissful REST in your SOUL.
New entry, no date
As the time for MY RETURN draws closer and closer Mine must realize and understand the fullness of MY LOVE for THEM.
You see, My Child, this LOVE was instilled for mankind before mankind was; it is why mankind exits.
When the WORD WAS SPOKEN for this Love to be multiplied through ACTION, this LOVE, which can only be felt and acted upon by MY DIVINITY, (GOD) is far superior, far more powerful, far more effective than any Love mankind knows.
You see, My Child, the purpose and plan of ME has always included mankind, Creation itself – the dividing of the seas – the darkness bringing forth light – the abundance of living – giving plants and creatures — All had to be put into effect BEFORE mankind FOR mankind.
MY LOVE is so All-encompassing that it not only surrounds and fills MY Creation, but it allows My Creation TO LOVE ALSO.
You see, My Child, all Creation was made WITH MY LOVE, and it still continues to exist BY MY LOVE.
The only thing that separates created beings (mankind) from MY LOVE is PRIDE.
PRIDE convinces many they do not need ME.
PRIDE leads to rebellion against ME.
PRIDE conducts evil tactics; intent TO STEAL, KILL, AND DESTROY ALL that I have created TO LOVE; including the progenitor of PRIDE. (it was satan’s pride that changed him from anointed cherub to destroyer)
THE ONLY WAY to annihilate this prevalence of evil pride in mankind is for them to UNDERSTAND MY LOVE.
FOR MY LOVE reaches from the Heavens, abundantly, and without reservation, to ALL who wish to receive it.
But, My Child, this pride, often results in many being unable to receive that which is all-encompassing. I press in to them with MY LOVE, but they will not receive MY LOVE.
For MY LOVE turns:
Pride into humility
Greed into generosity
Rebellion and stubbornness into willingness to serve ME
You see, MY CHILD, many of Mine do not LOVE ME enough to lay down their pride, greed, rebellion, and stubbornness.
But, with these, they cannot FULLY UNDERSTAND MY LOVE, nor can they be fully endowed WITH MY LOVE.
This full endowment of understanding MY LOVE and being fully endowed WITH MY LOVE is necessary to do MY WORK effectively and efficiently.
You See, My Child, while many look at MY CROSS AS Mine and MY FATHER’S Love; they TRULY do not understand the magnitude of MY ENDLESS and BOUNTIFUL LOVE for them individually, which began in the very beginning.
With each work of abandonment and judgement (that was) cast upon ME (during His trial, flogging, crucifixion);
The pain and agony I suffered as I was flogged with a vengeance, like from hell itself, is because MY LOVE HEALS wounds of All Kinds; especially those inflicted by enemies. This is how Mine can Love their enemies, and pray for those who persecute them.
With each drop of blood pouring from MY HANDS and MY FEET, MY BLOOD CLEANSES hands and feet to perform MY TASKS with MY LOVE.
The mocking crown, pressed into My skull, with hate and defilement, became instead Crowns of GLORY, which ALL WILL SEE FOREVER. MY LOVE can fill those who hate, and those who are hated, with the presence of MY GLORY.
My piercing blow, (when He was pierced in His side) through recognizing MY LOVE, (allowed because of His Love for us) becomes a dressing of purification and forgiveness, in which whiteness (darkness of sin purified and made WHITE by His Blood) encompasses the fullness of souls. My last breath; breathed upon all mankind, is not a BREATH OF DEATH; but rather A BREATH OF NEW LIFE and MY LOVE, for ALL WHO PARTAKE OF IT. (He Said, “IT IS FINISHED.” (He overcame sin, death, and satan, and He is the Breath of Everlasting Life for ALL who BELIEVE in HIM)
John 14:6
My Child, as man and God’s enemy releases his strategic army for a final takeover, Mine must understand that this battle has already been won by ME.
ALL THINGS WRITTEN shall made be present; all things written are to come to season in their season, all things written are NOT reason to fear, but reason to REJOICE, for the REDEMPTION of all that is corruptible, including this mighty earth, shall soon be made incorruptible.
Old things, old ways, will be no more as the NEW REPLACES the OLD.
Evil, My Child, shall soon be upended, exposed, and annihilated.
The Harvest is plenty – laborers few – the fields become ripe; many LONG for HOPE!
Titus 2:11-15
Zechariah 9,10
Psalm 121
Psalm 43:5
Many eyes turn to man and the thing of this fallen world for hope — but true HOPE is found ONLY IN ME.
What is ‘hope’, My Child?
It is the longingful expectation that soon that which is GOOD will replace that which is evil; It is looking AT ME, realizing I AM THAT I AM, And I AM ALL YOU TRULY NEED.
Mine MUST put their hope in ME; in ME alone; eagerly anticipating their final and complete redemption.
Luke 21:5-36