Incorruptible Fruit

I love fruit! I could live on it.  Sometimes, tho, the fruit n veggies I buy go bad before I can consume them. I remember one time I went to pick strawberries. I Spent 3 hours in the hot sun; loved it! I came home, washed the berries and put them on paper towels to dry. After they were dry, I put them in a bowl in the fridge The next morning, I opened the fridge to partake yummy berries for breakfast
GROSS. YUCKY! DISGUSTING!  They had ALL gotten moldy— overnight!

Fruit is corruptible. Molds, fungus, bacteria—all are on the fruit, and all have their way with natural foods to produce a less-than-appetizing array of colorful blooms of yuck if we don’t eat it quickly!

But I found a way to make my fruits and vegetables last longer! The microbial product used in my friends’ mold remediation protocol EATS mold, fungus, bad bacteria, yeast, viruses, etc—the things that produce destruction . . And its a “zero” on the MSDS—meaning nothing harmful—its several “families” of prebiotic microbes.

So one day when I had gone shopping, I came home, washed my produce, and then fogged it with this natural prebiotic formula. i waited about three hours for the microbes to consume fungus, molds, bacteria before I put it in the fridge. It worked! My fruit and veggies don’t rot, because THERES NOTHING TO EAT AWAY AT THEM. The worst that happens to them is they dry out, like the lemon I threw away today that had worked its way to the back of the fridge and remained unnoticed for I don’t know how long. Longest Ive had something is 8 weeks-I experimented on a grapefruit but then I ate it—still great after 8 weeks!

The garden Jesus showed me had four fruit trees Three fruits resembled what we have here—apples, pears, cherries…but the fourth was unfamiliar. There was one fruit tree in each corner of the garden and I have never seen such beautiful and PERFECT fruit! There were no bug marks, no fungus, no discoloration and they all seemed strangely uniform—each fruit on each individual tree was the same size, same shape, same color. I remember thinking, “Ok, so when Jesus shows up in the garden and I pick a piece of fruit off to give Him, how do I make sure I’m offering Him the Best of the best? “ Only a Heavenly dilemma, for sure! 

But wait! EVERYTHING in HEAVEN IS PERFECT! So that fretful thought is without merit. 

Jesus tells us to BEAR FRUIT. INCORRUPTIBLE FRUIT. That is, fruit that is always sweet, lovely to look at, and wonderful to smell and taste!

Jesus also warns us of “false prophets” , who appear godly, but in actuality are “ravening wolves”, bearing harmful “fruit”, meant to devour.

He explains that the goodness or foulness of a fruit has to do with “the tree” that produced the fruit “A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit” and “by their fruit you shall know them” Matt 7:15-23. Trees obtain their nourishment through their roots. If the tree is “cut off” from the roots, it eventually becomes unfruitful, and it will die and be used for firewood. So how are we assured of “bearing incorruptible fruit” that does not mold, rot, and fade away?

In John 15, Jesus tells us HE is THE VINE and Our Father is the gardener. The Father draws us to Jesus through Holy Spirit. He also tells us that as we bear fruit, growing in Christ, that God PURGES us. He removes, by the Power of His Spirit, those things that are ungodly or that would bring forth corrupt fruit. The purging is necessary that one can bring forth MORE GOOD FRUIT.

verses 4-5 explain HOW we accomplish this!  “ABIDE IN ME, and I in you….” He is the Vine, we are the branches, and it is IMPOSSIBLE to bear Good Fruit, incorruptible and ever-lasting, unless one is attached TO HIM. So WHY should a Believer desire to “bear good fruit”? “This is how my Father is glorified, that YOU BEAR MUCH FRUIT…” v 8

Then Jesus tells us about His Love for us, from the Father, through Jesus, instilled into US, that LOVE that is desirous of following Him, being His disciple—by abiding in Him, loving THROUGH HIM, and producing incorruptible fruit for The Kingdom of God.