Almighty God put HIS POWER in you!

He EXPECTS you to USE it! 

Would you be freaked out if you saw a limb grow where there was none? If a woman in a wheelchair suddenly jumped up and began to run and cry “I’M healed! PRAISE GOD! Praise God! PRAISE GOD!!” If you watched a horrible rash disappear right in front of your eyes as a few of you gathered to pray it off a baby who satan had bound for the entire 18 mos of his life with an “incurable” (by doctors) skin disease? How about if you watched a destructive storm headed in your direction dissipate as you commanded it to dissolve? If you told a pesky seagull to “stay put” and it did until you released it? If you unknowingly walked under a hive of bees and as they swarmed angrily around your head, you, WITH AUTHORITY, proclaimed “Be GONE in JESUS’ NAME!” and they instantly flew off, without stinging you or your astonished friend? Or how about if you held onto a bloodied smashed bruised finger, calling on The Power of The Holy Spirit IN YOU to HEAL AND REPAIR and when you removed your grip, the finger was totally healed— no blood, no bruise…i could go on and on, and with the exception of the limb growing, which I expect to see soon—all of these And MUCH MORE I have personally experienced. You may say, “Wow!” you may say, “No way!” You may say “I want to do that!” and I am here to say YOU CAN:

NOT BY (your) POWER, nor by (your)
might, BUT BY MY SPIRIT says The Lord!

Im just gonna be bold here. THE CHURCH STIFLES the POWER of HOLY SPIRIT in the Believer. Now, lets think about this for a second…..would GOD stifle HIMSELF or HIS POWER, when it was required to deliver, heal, and set the captives free?

ABSOLUTELY NOT. But there IS one who wants the Spirit of Power, Love, and a Sound Mind IN EACH BELIEVER TO BE QUENCHED.  And that is satan, the destroyer. A believer not accessing Holy Spirit TO DO HIS WORK, is totally powerless against satan, and HE KNOWS THIS. I call such a person a “carnal” believer; one who attempts to do the work of God WITHOUT GOD-the Power of Holy Spirit- working in and through them Any attempt to do ANYTHING FOR GOD WITHOUT GOD will fail miserably. In fact, when a certain group attempted such, the devils knew they HAD NOT THE POWER OF CHRIST and they were beaten up by the devils. The enemy will see such human natural weakness of man standing alone, and laugh at it as he completes his dirty work. A “natural” man cannot attain “supernatural” Power of GOD without HOLY SPIRIT. Many “have a form of godliness, but deny the Power thereof.” Many attempt to access the Power of Holy Spirit WITHOUT THE CONNECTION TO JESUS.

I tried to toast a bagel the other day. Pushed the lever down. waited. waited…waited…and nothing was happening! “Oh, darn, the toasters not working!” I thought. Then I noticed it wasn’t PLUGGED IN. There was NO ELECTRICITY running through it to toast the. bagel. So I plugged it in, and it worked. No biggie. But I could’ve sat there all day pushing that button down with no result if I hadn’t PLUGGED IT IN TO THE POWER. So it is with the believer—if you are NOT HOOKED UP TO THE POWER, you cannot expect to BE POWERFUL IN HIM. John said, “HE will baptize you with the Holy Spirit AND WITH FIRE.”. The “cloven tongues of Fire—the “baptism of The Spirit and Fire” was evident with MANIFESTATION (Power) OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.

Jesus says “You can do nothing without Me, but WITH ME YOU CAN DO ALL THINGS! The works that He did, and even more—because He returned to The Father -continues through you, me, HIS CHURCH. He is still working here—as in THROUGH YOU!


Those who proclaim: ‘Miracles were gone when the apostles died’ and ‘tongues are of the devil’ and ‘only priests can cast out demons’ are in serious biblical error, as in Mark 16:17 JESUS HIMSELF said:


Do YOU believe? I do!
And I live Mark 16:15-20. If i had not The Spirit IN ME, I would NOT have the capacity TO BELIEVE! For it is the Spirit of GOD who convicted me that

So, I pray this prayer over my life:

Lord Jesus! Wherever You send me, I want to tell others about YOU! In Your Name I will cast out devils, I will speak in new tongues, I will not be harmed by evil; I will lay hands on the sick and THEY WILL RECOVER. Help me, HOLY Spirit of God in me, to PREACH The Gospel EVERYWHERE! Lord Jesus, WORK WITH ME and CONFIRM YOUR WORD with miracles, signs, and wonders that ONLY YOU CAN DO! I SURRENDER, SUBMIT, am WILLING, and I recommit myself to the leading of Your Spirit 24/7.  Help me to bear MUCH FRUIT, that You, Almighty GOD, will be glorified in my life! AMEN

Jesus said if we have “faith as smallas a mustard seed, we can MOVE MOUNTAINS. Faith is BELIEVING as YOU PRAY, that GOD IS already DOING. If I pray, believing GOD Won’t, I may as well NOT PRAY, for my lack of faith has already quenched The Spirit to NOT DO what I already believe He won’t do! : )

GOD WORKS THROUGH FAITH, not through doubt.

I keep wondering what would happen to the EVIL ‘hills’ in this land IF ALL believers here would gather in The Spirit at the same time and PRAY EVIL off THIS LAND. I believe The HS Power going forth would annihilate evil’s grip on the USA. Instead of satan quenching The Spirit, The HOLY Spirit in US would CANCEL HIS PLAN to steal, kill, destroy… and evil would FLEE this United States of America. But if “believers” quench and even DENY Holy Spirit’s manifestation of Power, how could this ever happen?

Where The Spirit of The Lord reigns and RULES, there is LIBERTY and FREEDOM. Where satan is allowed to quench the Holy Power AGAINST HIM in Believers, evil is prevalent and believers are downcast, downtrodden, and seemingly powerless against the evil taking over their land.

Are you PLUGGED IN to The Power of Holy Spirit through JESUS? YES!!!! I say YOU ARE STRONG IN THE LORD AND IN THE POWER OF HIS MIGHT! : ). Profess it! Believe it! Allow Holy Spirit to work IN YOU and THROUGH YOU! And watch the enemy flee…and watch GOD BE GLORIFIED as He does amazing works THROUGH YOU! amen! 

John 14-15:10
Acts 1:4-8, 19:13-20
Ephesians 1:15-23, 6:10-20

I want to walk in Your Sonshine!

I want to walk in your sunshine!

I don’t mind winter; in fact, I like the freshness of new-fallen snow, the crisp clean smelling air, the clear starry nights and the moonlight as it shines through the white-crested woods. God made winter beautiful!

But the sun doesn’t shine as much in the winter. And I, like many, miss the warmth and brightness of the sun. When the winter days are sunny, I drop everything else and head outside for the day. I soak up as much of the winter sun as I possibly can because you never know when the winter clouds will move in and cover up the sun. You must take advantage of it and seize the day!

I prayed for sunshine the other day. I walk every day, sun or no sun, but oh its SO MUCH MORE ENJOYABLE walking in sunshine! So I prayed, “God, I want to walk in your sunshine today!”. The sun came out and lit up the gloomy gray atmosphere! I thought ‘I must remember to pray for sunshine more often!’.

Then I heard Our Father say: “Walk in My SON SHINE.”

Oh, how easy it is to allow the Light of Christ in us to be dimmed or even darkened by the cares of this world!

The enemy often uses the cares of this world occurring in our own lives and what we read, see, hear, and feel around us to attack our faith, hope, and trust IN GOD,

He is like one of those dimmer switches, designed to decrease light a little at a time. Every time he speaks a lie and we take it in, our Light grows dimmer, and our faith falters because we are listening to his LIES rather than holding onto Gods Truths and HIS PROMISES.

It is satans strategy to completely shut off the Light of Christ in us where we feel nothing but hopelessness, despair, helplessness, and even fear. He wants our faith to be nullified. GOD wants our faith to INCREASE to the point where the only thing that moves us IS HIM.

So, when God said that to me, I realized I had been allowing the Light of Jesus in me to be dimmed by circumstances in my life and this carnal fallen world.

In John 1, John proclaims he was to “bear witness of that Light”, the True Light that lights up the world. JESUS!

The Son Shines through us so that we can “bear witness” of Him.

 As we speak of Jesus, His Light in us grows brighter and stronger, and begins to radiate from us, removing darkness by the replacement if His Light. The more we speak to Him and of Him the bolder and stronger His Light in us becomes. Soon, darkness FLEES at our presence!

Many walk in darkness and long to see light and feel the Son Shine upon them. When you bear witness of Jesus, when you tell others of Him; the darkness in their life begins to fade as the Truth and Light of Christ exposes it. Soon, they become His Son Shine, shining brightly through the darkness of evil.

The only way His Light is snuffed out is by allowing darkness; (Romans 13:12) the only way darkness is annihilated is by HIS LIGHT. (John 8:12)

So, Ive added to that prayer:
“GOD, I want to walk in your SON SHINE” 

Arise! Shine! for JESUS, thy Light HAS COME, and the Glory of The Lord is risen upon thee! (Isaiah 60:1)

psalm 36:9
isaiah 9:2, 42:6
Numbers 6:24-26

Enter IN!


I was thinking about Moses—what a fascinating life he had! Growing up as royalty; God speaking to him out of a bush on fire, yet not consumed by fire; sent back to his kinfolk, who didn’t really know him—with explicit instructions, equipped with a rod that changes into a snake and does wonders; God showing him leprosy, then cleanness…and Moses, still not comprehending the power of GOD, is fearful of HIS OWN inadequacies—his ‘slowness of speech and tongue’ , so God appoints Aaron to be Moses’ mouth…then starting out on his assignment, he almost dies; (circumcision of his son apparently substituted for his own; he’s now in covenant w God)

God had indicated the final death plague..EX 4:23; yet the hardening of Pharaohs heart brought about nine before it.

This whole entire time, Moses did as God commanded, seeing all these signs and wonders of plagues upon the Egyptians, but not upon Israel. He was intent to follow Gods instructions. WILL A PLAGUE TOUCH GODS PEOPLE?

After the firstborn were killed, with the angel of death “passing over” the marked doors of the Israelites, the people are set free. But not for long. Pharoah, realizing his slaves are gone and now angered at all that was done, goes after them.


The Israelites had seen unbelievable miracles, signs, wonders—and yet complained about their desire for “meat”, and the fact that water was not readily available in the desert…
They had become tired of waiting while Moses was talking with God and receiving those tablets of stone on which God wrote His moral laws, so they turned to a false “god”; one made with their own hands— Aaron; Moses’ right hand man, was moved to do so by the complaints of the people…

Man’s flesh and the devil often give us thoughts of discontent. If one is not content, one may miss Gods voice or not hear clearly, or worse yet—follow ‘the voice of a stranger’; the enemy. But the Word of God says godliness WITH contentment is what is TRULY profitable. 1 Timothy 6:6

Jesus promises us that HE keeps us in His Supernatural PEACE; no matter what is going on in our personal life and the world. John 14:27.

The tragedy of Moses’ fascinating adventurous life is that he never entered the promised land. None of the complaining, discontented did…

He allowed the complaints of the people to move him out of the will of God. He acted on his own, instead of doing as God had instructed him to do. Ive done the same! 

Aggravation, frustration, and anger that led to outright disobedience kept him from entering in. What a feeling that must’ve been—to view the “land of milk and honey”; wandering around those forty years, then seeing it , with knowledge that he would never actually ENTER IN and experience it. All because he allowed the discontentment of the people steal his peace and move him to do something he shouldn’t have done.

So, who/what do we allow to move us? Our own inadequacies? Friends, acquaintances, family, the things of this world? Complaining and discontentment? Impatience, frustration, aggravation, anger? Fear and anxiety? or God?

Proverb 16:3 says if you commit your works to the Lord, HE will establish your THOUGHTS.

There are blessings afforded to those who follow Him; but not so for the wicked!
Psalm 37

ENTER IN TO THE PROMISED LAND and PARTAKE of the Richness of The Kingdom of GOD, for He has made The Way…
JESUS. And get ready for some GREAT ADVENTURES!